Resources for Students
Resources for Students
Attention Students: Mt. Whitney now provides specific after-school academic tutorials Monday through Thursday from 3:30-4:30 PM. Your teachers, counselor, parents, and/or coach may sign you up for after-school academic intervention (a.k.a. RtI). Please check your PowerSchool account Monday-Thursday to see if you have been enrolled in any after-school RtI. You also have the ability to self-enroll (this process uses the same online software we used last year for Tuesday RtI). If you need your PowerSchool username or password, please see any of your teachers or the counseling tech in L-2. The current offerings include: Mondays Spanish 1 & American Lit; Tuesdays Math 1, Math 2 and English 1; Wednesdays Math 1, Math 2, American Lit, Biology, Earth/Chem; Thursdays Math 1, English 2, World History, US History.