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SAT ACT Score Reporting

SAT, ACT & AP Score Reporting

How are students supposed to report their scores?

1. Students are responsible for self-reporting their scores in each of their college applications. This also includes the NCAA Clearinghouse as well. 

2. Students are responsible for sending official score reports (from either the College Board or the ACT) to all the schools they're applying to.

FYI - these scores are not posted on the transcript! 

ACT scores can be sent electronically from the ACT website:

SAT scores can be sent electronically from the College Board website:

CSU & UC Score Reporting Procedures:

For the CSU system:

  • If you list a CSU campus as an ACT score report recipient, your scores will automatically be sent to all campuses to which you submit an application.
  • If you list a CSU campus(es) as an SAT score report recipient, your scores will automatically be sent to all campuses to which you've applied. You can also use the CSU systemwide institution code (3594) on to ensure that all CSU campuses to which you apply receive your scores. 
  • For more information on reporting SAT & ACT scores to the CSU sytem please refer to the following link in the Cal State Apply application: Cal State score reporting

For the UC system:

  • Students simply need to send one official score report from the ACT or SAT to one UC school and then all 9 campuses will be able to access their scores.




Click here for instructions on sending your SAT or ACT scores to the NCAA. 

What is "Score Choice?"

The ACT has always provided Score Choice as a score reporting option. The College Board has also instituted Score Choice, whereby students can choose which scores to send, either by test date for the SAT Reasoning Test or by individual test for the SAT Subject Tests. It's important to note that each time you sign up for a standardized test (ACT or SAT); you have the option of releasing the scores to 4 schools. In truth, most colleges only use a student’s highest test scores to make their final admission decision. Therefore, sending all your scores will rarely have a negative impact on your application for admission. However, if you choose to send only the scores from your highest test sittings, Score Choice allows you to do so.

In summary, if you decide not to use the ACT or College Board's Score Choice options, all of your scores will be sent to your recipients, but students should still feel comfortable sending all scores since most colleges consider a student’s best score. 

What is Super Scoring on the SAT Test? Can it help me?


Over time, the College Board and the college admissions officers have made their approach to the SAT Test more flexible. In an effort to allow students to show themselves off at their best, the College Board and college admissions officers have allowed them to highlight their best efforts on the SAT Test. This began with the College Board’s re-introduction of score choice in 2008, whereby students could elect to send or withhold their SAT Test score after seeing the results. This eliminated the stressful gamble of trying to guess how you did on the SAT Test and if you wanted the world to see that score before you knew the results.


Furthermore, taking after a practice that college admissions officers employ themselves, you now have the informal flexibility to consider your SAT Test results through the awesome lens of Super Scoring. Super Scoring involves taking the highest section scores from multiple SAT Test sittings and creating a composite. Although the College Board itself does not take on this practice, unlike score choice, it has become commonplace in the college admissions process. The common application even has a section now where you can super score your tests.


Super Scoring works as follows: Let us say you took the SAT Test in March and scored 600 on Critical Reading, 650 on Math, and 550 on Writing, for a composite SAT Test score of 1800. Then, let’s say you took the SAT Test again in October and scored 650 on Critical Reading, 600 Math, and 600 on Writing, for a composite SAT test score of 1850. Now with super scoring, you can poach your best section scores from each SAT Test date to create a beautiful Frankenstein test. In this case, your Super Score composite would be 650 on Critical Reading (from the October SAT Test), 650 on Math (from the March SAT Test), and 600 on Writing (from the October SAT Test) for a composite Super Score of 1900. Most schools’ college admissions officers super score your SAT Test results when evaluating your application, a wonderful fact that lets your achievements shine as brightly as possible.


Do any colleges use Super Scores on the ACT?


Until recently, most schools only practiced super scoring for the SAT. However, in recent years the ACT has caught up to the SAT in terms of the number of students taking the test, and last year the number of ACT test-takers surpassed the number of SAT test-takers for the first time ever. Superscoring the ACT is when you take the best subscores from multiple test dates (i.e the best English, best Math, best Reading and best Science) and take a NEW average for the composite score. Click below for a list of colleges that super score the ACT.

super score  For more information about colleges that super score click on this resource at Compass Prep:


AP ® Advanced Placement Score Reporting

Colleges do not require official AP score reports as part of the initial college application process. They only need to self-report them as part of the college application. However, once a student has committed to a college/university and they now want to claim the AP credit, they must request an official score report sent to their school. 

Viewing and Sending AP Scores Online

By July you will be able to view your AP scores online and submit an online request for additional score reports for colleges, universities, and scholarship programs. You will not receive scores in the mail. Visit to learn what you need to do to be ready to get your scores in July. 

Your online score report will include all of your AP scores if you’ve tested in the last four years. The fee for additional score reports ordered online is $15 per report. The fee for rush processing for additional score reports ordered online is $25 per report. If you need to send your scores (2012 and earlier) to colleges before the online service is available in July, you can make your request by mail or fax: see Additional Score Reports below for details. If you have not taken an exam in the past four years, you must use the archive score reporting service (see below for more information).

Other AP Score Reporting Options:

AP scores can also be ordered by mailing or faxing a signed, written request to AP Services at:

AP Services

P.O. Box 6671

Princeton, NJ 08541-6671

Fax: 610-290-8979


When requesting these score reporting services from AP Services, you must include the following information in your request:

  • The score reporting service(s) you are requesting
  • Your full name, home address, phone number, gender, date of birth, AP number(s) and Social Security number (if you provided it on your answer sheet)
  • The name and address of your school
  • The full name of the exam(s) for which you are requesting the service (e.g., “English Literature and Composition,” not “English”) and the year(s) you took the exam(s)
  • A credit card number and expiration date, or a check or money order for the exact amount due (make checks and money orders payable t AP Exams)
  • When requesting additional score reports: the name, city, and state, and four-digit college code(s) of the college(s) you would like to receive the report


AP Score reporting For more information about AP Score Reporting go to the following link: